Teiskon Sunshine
The First-Born on a Sunny Shore
Teiskon Sunshine (Päivänsäde) was born in 1998, the same year as Teiskon Viini. Sunshine is our Aurinkoranta (Sunny Shore) vineyard’s first-born baby and the first wine produced by our registered company.
The semi-dry Sunshine is characterized by the slighty zingy taste of white currant and the sweetness of honey. This semi-dry, naturally easy-going wine sports a fresh, good-bodied, and even zesty – but definitely cheerful – combination of flavors. It bears a strong resemblance to our vineyard’s view of the fields and a lake on the horizon on a sunny early-spring day.
The white currants used in Teiskon Sunshine come from farmers whom we know very well, like all of our ingredients. The other key ingredient, honey, we buy from a local beekeeper across the lake that sits right by our vineyard.
Teiskon Sunshine was born to stay. It has garnered the interest of many loyal wine lovers, and it’s one of the cornerstones of our artisan winemaking. People ask for Sunshine frequently and travel long distances to get it.
Teiskon Sunshine is our company’s signature wine.
Teiskon Sunshine
Semi-dry fruit wine. Best served with fish or cheese.
White Currant and Honey:
White currant is Finland’s third most grown currant. The berry is a variation of the red currant, but it is sweeter and less sour.
Beekeeping in Finland began at the end of the 1700s. At the moment, Finland is home to nearly 3,000 beekeepers, some of whom are professionals and others recreational keepers. The harsh winter takes a toll of 10–15 percent on our nation’s 60,000 or so kept bee hives each year. A small portion gets destroyed by woodpeckers and bears.
10,5 % vol.
0,5 l

Teiskon The king of the forest

Teiskon Bilberry

Teiskon Sea Buckthorn